I was shocked when I did a Google search on "Divorce"
and it states that every month, over 6 Million searches were
made worldwide by people wanting to know more divorcing.
What is the meaning of divorce ?
To me, divorce means to separate .... both to separate
physically, emotionally and financially.
When you are divorced, it inevitably means that both of you
will live separately and lead different lives forever.
These days, getting a divorce is really easy.
In fact, you can even do an online-divorce !!
But since divorce is a very important aspect of breaking up,
it is recommended that you appoint a divorce attorney or a
divorce lawyer who knows about divorce law/divorce laws
and divorce advice ..... to handle the divorce paper and forms.
To file for a divorce is quite a simple matter, since all you
have to do is to state the grounds of your divorce ( perhaps
physical assault by husband, or irreconcilable differences )
and then aim for the divorce decree.
How about divorce help ?
Well, you can always seek out the cheaper divorce lawyers
and affordable divorce attorneys, or the smaller size divorce
law firms who can offer you a more personalized service.
By all means, do not get a top divorce attorney who charges
their clients by the millions .....unless of course if
your husband ... or rather your soon-to-be ex-husband is
someone wealthy like Donald Trump.... Tiger Woods .....
and so on.
The ugly side of divorcing to consider is --- What are the
effects of divorce ?
What are the parental rights ?
What are the terms of the child custody ?
And what are the effects of the divorce on the child ?
Having been through a divorce myself, I can tell you that
for the first few months and years after divorcing ....... life
can be hell .....I have to rely on mom groups and mothers
groups for emotional support ....
And the bright side ?
Well .... I enjoyed being a dating single mom again !!
.... that's the beauty of getting a divorce
.... and being divorced ....
.... and becoming a divorcee