Coping with divorce, be it a bitter divorce or
an amicable divorce, is not an easy thing to do.
For most divorcees, divorcing means "you do
your thing .... and I do mine " and " from now
onwards, you are you .... and I am I ....."
However, this is far from the truth because
the consequences and the after effects of the
divorce will have far reaching implications,
not just to both the divorced parties ..... but
also affects their children, family members,
close friends, colleagues, neighbours, etc.
Thus to be able to understand what divorce
is all about, and how to really cope with a
divorce, it is imperative that you consider the
following related factors :
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coping with divorce while pregnant
coping with divorce with young children
...... if there is one thing that can summarize
the above keywords on coping with your divorce,
it should be that --- DIVORCE is a WE,
and not a YOU or I .